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2024吉祥龍年「百億蓮師心咒」線上共修Ten Billion Guru Rinpoche Mantra online group practice



Tergar Miaoli Retreat Center, Merit Accumulation in the year of the Dragon, Action! 


Start on 1st January, sign up now!


In preparation for the upcoming auspicious Year of the Dragon in 2024, what can we do in the new year to bring joy to the Triple Gem and Guru, accumulate both merit and wisdom for ourselves, and purify the world to make it more auspicious?


Now there is a new answer, which is to join the "Ten Billion Guru Rinpoche Mantra" online group practice!


Let’s Welcome the auspicious Dragon year with purification and accumulation of merits through "Guru Rinpoche Mantra"!
蓮師心咒:嗡啊吽 邊雜 咕嚕 貝瑪 悉地 吽

Guru Rinpoche Mantra: Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hung


As we count down to welcome the year 2024, the Taiwan Tergar Miaoli Retreat Center will initiate the "Dragon Year Merit Accumulation Project" by inviting everyone to recite the "Guru Rinpoche Mantra" together. The goal is to achieve 10 billion repetitions of the mantra. Let's fulfill this endeavor together!


When Tergar's Guru, Mingyur Rinpoche, heard about the "Ten Billion Guru Rinpoche Mantra" group practice event, he expressed great joy and gave an encouraging speech:

"I am delighted to learn that the Committee of Tergar Miaoli Retreat Center will soon launch a Ten Billion Recitation of Guru Rinpoche Mantra Group Online Practice event. I offer prayers for the long life of the great lamas, for the Dharma work of Oseling Monastery in Nepal, for the smooth progress of the Miaoli Retreat Center building project, and for world peace. Given the current turbulent state of the world, I also extend my prayers for peace and prosperity for everyone in Taiwan. Simultaneously, I pray that all sentient beings may fully recognize their own nature in the future. I will dedicate prayers and aspirations for everyone!"


Rinpoche’s video, click here


ACT NOW. Sign up!


Starting from January 1st, 2024, until December 31th, 2024, we have one year dedicated to recite the Guru Rinpoche Mantra. Everyone is welcome to make an aspiration to actively participate and contribute to the fulfillment and completion of this mantra practice.


The power of group practice surpasses individual efforts, with its energy multiplied and more beneficial. Therefore, we encourage you to sign up now for the Ten Billion Recitation of Guru Rinpoche Mantra Online Group Practice. Join us in harnessing the collective strength! 


Tergar Taiwan Miaoli Retreat Center 2024 Auspicious Year of the Dragon " Ten Billion Recitation of Guru Rinpoche Mantra Online Group Practice " registration link:



Monthly report: Please click on the number of mantras you aspire to complete in a year and recite daily. Once a month, the organizer will announce the total number of mantras via Tergar Taiwan community platform. The total number by the end of Feb.:  165,200,000

日期:1/20(六), 2/19 (一), 3/19(二), 4/18(四), 5/18(六), 6/16(日), 7/16(二), 8/14(三), 9/13(五), 10/12(六), 11/11(一), 12/10(二)
Online group practice:  Tergar Taiwan Sangha will lead the group practice monthly on the 10th day of  Lunar Calendar. Everyone is welcome to join.

PM8:30-9:10 on the dates:1/20(Sat), 2/19 (Mon), 3/19(Tue), 4/18(Thu), 5/18(Sat) ,6/16(Sun) 7/16(Tue), 8/14(Wen), 9/13(Fri), 10/12(Sat), 11/11(Mon), 12/10(Tue)

蓮師心咒線上共修連結 Group practice link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87285335562


With the collective merits generated through the Ten Billion Mantra Recitation, we dedicate our efforts, may our noble aspirations manifest and come true.

After one year of collective mantra recitation, let us culminate in a grand auspicious dedication of merits. May this collective spiritual practice flow into the never-drying sea of merits, bringing a successful closure to this year-long wholesome endeavor.


Therefore, on December 22, 2024, Tergar Taiwan Miaoli Retreat Center will organize  "Mahakala Great Puja" at the Tergar Taiwan Retreat Center in Tucheng, New Taipei. 
Simultaneously, the grand dedication of the 10 billion Guru Rinpoche mantras will also be held, and you are cordially invited to participate!


" Ten Billion Recitation of Guru Rinpoche Mantra Online Group Practice “dedication :


 Dedicated to all Right Practice Gurus: May you stay healthy and enjoy longevity, free from obstacles in the propagation of the Dharma.


 Dedicate to world peace, the cessation of conflicts, pandemics, economic challenges, and the alleviation of natural and human-made disasters. May a harmonious balance be achieved in the global positive magnetic field.


 Dedicate to the smooth progress of all Oseling projects in Nepal, free from obstacles.


 Dedicate to the smooth progress of Tergar Taiwan Miaoli Retreat Center Project., free from obstacles.



 Practitioner's personal prayer dedication reference: 
Dedicate to the success in career and business, harmonious family relationships, abundance of wealth, elimination of illness, speedy recovery from illnesses, and overall auspiciousness in all aspects of life! 



地點:新北市土城區承天路8巷2之1號3樓 (台灣德噶禪修中心)
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