The annual of SUP surfing competition held in Taitung during spring been divided into two events this year - SUP Surfing and SUP Racing - each taking place at different locations The SUP surfing competition be held at Jinzun, while the SUP racing event will be part of the "Taitung East Wave Carnival" organized in collaboration with the Taitung County government. This joint event will feature the "Taiwan SUP Open" racing event, which is the only open-water SUP racing competition in Taiwan. The event welcome SUPer from all over the world to enjoy the passion of Taitung's coast.【比賽時間】113年05月18日至19日 Date : May 18th to 19th, 2024.
【比賽地點】臺東縣杉原灣 Location at Shan Yuan Bay, Taitung County.
(1) 比賽規則採用國際衝浪總會(ISA)審訂之最新SUP競速規則(英文版)
(2) 如對規則解釋有爭議或未盡事宜,則依仲裁委員會議之決議為為最終判決。
(3) 對於競賽規則或賽程如有疑問需在競賽前提出,競賽時應遵從競賽規則。
(4) 活動將依據舉辦地區賽事期間的天候等因素適時調整, 主辦單位有隨時調整之權力。
『Rule of the Game』
(1) The competition shall adhere the latest SUP racing rules set forth the International Surfing Association (ISA).【報名組別及資格】
組別 | 250M | 1KM | 3KM | 6KM | 備註 |
公開男子組 Open man | ● | ● |
| ● | 不分材質 14呎(含)以下 |
公開女子組 Open Woman | ● | ● | ● |
| 不分材質 14呎(含)以下 |
預計賽事時間 Estimated race duration | 5 Mins | 50 Mins | 60 Mins | 90 Mins | 依實際情況調整 |
報名費用 Registration fee | NT$300 | NT$300 | NT$300 | NT$300 |
組別 | 250M*4 | 備註 |
男女混合接力賽 | 2男2女 | 不分年齡 No age restrictions |
預計賽事時間 Estimated race duration | 10 minutes | 依實際情況調整 |
報名費用 Registration fee | NT$1000元 | 由一人代表繳全額費用 |
1. 公開組個人衝刺賽,預賽每組8人,依實際報名人數分組,擇優前2強或前4強,進入決賽或依實際報名人數預賽分組,預賽最佳成績前8名進入決賽,皆採單次繞標計時賽制。
2. 預賽擇優前8強進入決賽方式,依當日天氣狀況風向及水流,於當日技術會議邀集各隊研商定奪。
二、250M x 4
1. Open category individual sprint race: There be 8 competitors the preliminary round, based on the actual number of participants. The top 2 or4 competitors, depending the actual number of participants, will advance to the final round. Alternatively, the top 8 performers from the preliminary round will advance to the final round, and the races will be based on a single lap timing format.
2. The top 8 from the preliminary round will advance to the final round. However, the specific method of determining the finalists will be discussed and decided upon during the technical meeting held on the day of the event, taking into account the weather conditions, wind direction, and water flow on that day.
3. 250M x 4: Mixed-gender relay race, with teams consisting of 2 men and 2 women. The races will be based on single lap timing.
4. 1KM, 6KM: Both races will be based on single lap timing.
5. For participants under 18 years of age, parental or legal guardian consent is required. Guardians should download the "Guardian Consent Form" and have it signed by a parent or guardian before submitting it during registration.
6. After the registration deadline, if any category has fewer than 3 teams registered, the organizers have the right to either merge those teams with other categories or cancel the event for that category. Registered teams may not dispute this decision.
◎匯款銀行:臺灣銀行 台東分行(004)
【Payment Method】
Please complete the registration by making the payment after signing up online. When making the transfer, please specify "Taiwan SUP Open Race - [Name or Team Name]."
After the transfer is completed, please send the payment receipt and information to the designated email address of the organizer, and please call to confirm. Those who fail to make the payment by the deadline will be considered as forfeiting their participation rights.
◎ Bank: Bank of Taiwan, Taitung Branch (004)
◎ Account Name: Taitung County Sports Association Surfing Committee
◎ Account Number: 023-001006-829
台東縣體育會衝浪運動委員會 https://www.facebook.com/taitungsurf
◎ For inquiries related to registration and payment, please feel free to contact the Taitung County Sports Association Surfing Committee at https://www.facebook.com/taitungsurf
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