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一起玩冰箱 Let‘s Play with the Fridge



Sometimes when I open the fridge to look for ingredients, I always find something in the corner. At those time, I like to challenge myself to create a dish by using only those ingredients. I alway surprise by the results, it end up with something new and delicious. Do you have similar situations? There are some ingredients lurking in your fridge? If so, I invite you to join the "Let's Play with the Fridge" workshop. Let's unleash our creativity and make delicious dishes using those ingredients, turning them into innovative and tasty meals.



Bring two or three ingredients per person to participate this event. No need to buy new ingredients, look what you have in the fridge, no matter meat or vegetables. If the ingredients are frozen, please thaw before you come to the activity.
Let's have some fun and be creative with these forgotten ingredients ! Remember to bring eco-friendly utensils and containers. After we finish, we can share and enjoy the dishes together.

活動日期 Date: 2 月 17 日 星期六  Saturday
活動時間 Time:9:00 - 12:00  
活動地點 Location:Tainan Studio Da Tong (大同) ,台南市大同路一段115巷5號
活動費用 Price:NT500  / Per Person
繳費資訊 Payment information:
銀行 Bank:台新銀行 Taishin International Bank
銀行代碼 Bank Code:812
帳號 Account number:28881002022667
Please inform us your last 5 digital number from your account number after you pay. Thank you.


地點:台南市大同路一段115巷5號 (Tainan Studio 大同)
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