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【參加者報名 Participant registration】2022 五餅二魚COH加倍愛/聖誕愛心義賣活動


【參加者報名 Par


*** 注意:已填過攤主與擺攤小幫手報名表單者,請不用重覆填報哦***

022 五餅二魚COH加倍愛聖誕愛心義賣活動(12/17) 
COH Love-N-Christmas Charity Bazaar

一、活動日期:12/17(六) AM 11:00~PM15:00 (逛街挖寶參觀民眾)
二、活動地點:105 台北市松山區東興路28號B1​(COH 培訓親子空間-振興商業大樓)

三、參與對象: COH家族、會友、社區親子家庭、逛街挖寶愛好者等

四、活動內容:這是專門為親子家庭舉辦的愛心義賣聖誕活動,各式蒙特梭利教材教具,風格露營用品,兒童玩具用品,手作輕食等.....都有可能挖到寶! 歡迎大家共襄盛舉~免費入場 ^0^
體驗學習是孩子成長過程必經的練習,從體驗角度設計的親子生活市集,今年孩子們的義賣所得,COH 會加倍加碼奉獻給烏克蘭的教會來幫助戰爭下的家園。
有問題歡迎私訊Corner of Hope 蒙式角落的COH活動聯絡窗口&FB粉專小編喔!)
Corner of Hope 蒙式角落 FB:https://www.facebook.com/cornerofhopecoh


11:00-14:00 義賣 Go (Live Jazz for Christmas) 

14:30-15:00 來自烏克蘭的愛加倍見證&感恩奉獻

15:00-     結束 & 場復


*** Note: For those who have already filled out the registration form for the stall owner and the stall helper, please do not fill it out this again***

We are excited to let you know about COH parents/children flea market is coming ~COH Love-N-Christmas Charity Bazaar
$0 Booth Fees!! Eat, have fun, and Enjoy! Learning through fun and games!
The popular night market games! All for free!
I’m little Charity boss × Simulation shop owner game 
All kinds of Montessori materials/supplies, glamping / camping supplies, books, toys, clothing/accessories, hand-made party snack, etc. you may find your own  treasures~ Welcome everyone to join us ^0^
Experiential learning is a necessary exercise for children to grow up.
COH will match The charity proceeds and provide more funding to the churches in Ukraine to help rebuilding their homeland. Through the topics discussed from the activities, we can plant the seed of reusing our treasured items and our children can understand the joy of sharing unused items with others in need, and even the ability to help the refugees in foreign countries.

1. Date: 2022/12/17(SAT) 11:00-15:00
2. Place: COH Family Bonding Space (B1 No. 28 Dong Xing Road, Song-Shan District, Taipei City, 105)
3. Free admission for shopping, and those who want to set up a stall need to register another sheet..
4. Activity program: 
11:00-14:00 Selling Go (Live Jazz for Christmas )
14:30-15:00 The Testimony From Ukraine & Donation

15:00~     Closing&Cleaning 



地點:105 台北市松山區東興路28號B1 (​(COH 培訓親子空間)
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