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動–移 與之間 — 遊于古蹟空間的即興舞踏


動–移 與之間 —


【動–移 與之間 — 遊于古蹟空間的即興舞踏】




4月17日 15:00-15:45 pm(紫藤廬 大廳、花廳)

表演者與曾霆羽藝術家 Q&A: 

16:00-16:30 pm(紫藤廬 花廳)


演出者:大木雄太 Yuta Oki,曾苑寧 Margarita Tseng,林雨濃 Chloe Lin, 紀辰 Chi Chen Lee


*建議 14:30 pm 前入場先點茶,個別報名者可能安排併桌


預約電話: 02-2363-7375

【Movement – Migration and the In-Between: A Butoh Study in Wistaria’s Historical Space】

Currently on display, Tseng Ting-Yu’s solo exhibit of arresting ink paintings convey in a humorous and subtle form, the artist’s observations and experiences of spending his time back and forth between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. His choice of subjects and painting style convey an overall sense of familiarity within strangeness, personal connection despite alienation.

In recent months, Wistaria Tea House has been home to “Butoh Playscape”, a weekly group practice, every Wednesday evening. For this performance, Butoh Playscape has invited two butoh performers who, like the exhibit artist, also have experience living in familiar yet unfamiliar lands. Please come join us for a lively afternoon of butoh and music improvisation while sipping on gongfu tea and nibbling on snacks. Between movement and stillness, dance and non-dance, come experience the performers’ physical and melodic inquiry into Tseng Ting-Yu’s latest works. 

April 17, 2022


15:00 pm – 15:45 pm

Post - show Q & A with performers and artist Tseng Ting-Yu:

16:00 pm – 16:30 pm

Host: Amie Chou

Performers: Yuta Oki 大木雄太 , Margarita Tseng 曾苑寧,Chloe Yu Nong Lin 林雨儂,  Chi Chen Lee 紀辰 

Entrance fee: 400NT, includes gaiwan tea and snacks.

We recommend entering by 14:30 pm to order tea first. Guests who arrive individually may be seated together.

Online registration: https://www.beclass.com/rid=26489f7624e6b4a24f53

Phone registration: 02-2363-7375

For English inquiries please email amiewistaria@gmail.com



地點:106台灣台北市大安區新生南路三段16巷1號 (紫藤廬)
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