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近年來曾霆羽往返故鄉和異鄉的反覆切換,亦遙想起早年一批渡海來台的前輩畫家,如渡海三家等,物換星移回望自身,不禁有此渡海非彼渡海之感觸,也投射自身移動經驗及整個大時空的社會氛圍。 曾霆羽更以「觀念」、「水」和「墨」做為創作形式,並以中國特有的「散點透視」來思考抽換人的座標,結合移動的視角,切入己身和他方及大時代敘事想像。早期畢卡索和杜象在發展立體派時機動藝術的前期,同時期的藝術家也都在思考,如何記錄下時間和移動,觀察者的位移又如何同時呈現在一個畫面上(如杜象-下樓梯的女人)。從這樣的角度來觀看曾霆羽的同步正在進行間,並帶有移動、搜尋、定位的作品,有異曲同功之妙。 曾霆羽提出了一個有趣的「間距」,我們遊移於「動—移 與之間」,身於何處?彼岸又於何處?與紫藤廬一同來漫游墨中山水,探索彼岸……

In recent years, Tseng’s constant movement to and from home and abroad recalls the migration of the previous generation of Taiwanese artists, such as the notable “Three Masters who Crossed the Sea”: Zhang Daqian, Huang Junbi, and Pu Ru. This displacement, this crossing of the Straits, evokes an eery sense of partial cultural uprooting and defamiliarization. The movement of the individual becomes a reflection of the greater historical and social circumstances at play.

Tseng’s artistic approach utilizes the interplay of concept, water, and ink with a unique characteristic of Chinese painting, the multi-point perspective, to examine the fluctuations of the self and the other. The shifting viewpoints that arise from this approach are critical to the artist’s imagining of the complex nexus of the self, place, and time. In a sense, Tseng’s work shares the same philosophical and visual concerns of early Cubist painters such as Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp: a heartfelt attempt to visually represent movement through time, while reflecting on the canvas the simultaneous shifts in the viewer’s perspective (an instructive example would be Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase). In this context, Tseng’s oeuvres convey, albeit through a different visual vocabulary, the notions of simultaneity and ongoingness, as well as the themes of movement, exploration and fixity.

Tseng Ting-yu posits "in-betweenness" as a way to approach a world that is becoming increasingly globalized and interconnected. Movement-Migration and the In-Between contemplates the fluidities of self, place, and time. Where are we born? What lies on the other shore? Come explore the possibilities with us at Wistaria... 



地點:106台灣台北市大安區新生南路三段16巷1號 (紫藤廬)
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《遊移中的故鄉與異鄉》曾霆羽當代水墨個展講座 (2022-03-19)(報名截止)
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