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Where to find International Essay Contest Announcements

Where to f


Essay writing is something many individuals enjoy. For adults and professionals, there are myriad issues to explore and discuss, and an essay contest offers a platform to express the individual`s views on and knowledge of the issue of choice. The Internet presents a vast collection of contests sites that promise exposure and competition on an international scale.

Some sites devoted to law help legal matters has a list of essay competition announcements in various categories pertaining to legal matters. The prize money is attractive, and the contests should prove to be exercises in demonstrating awareness and knowledge of legal issues such as religious law, law relating to gender issues, and matters of general jurisprudence. For those interested in creative writing of the non-fictional variety, Places for Writers is a treasure house of links for various writing contests. This international one is open to various themes and topics, and the diligent writer can try his/her writing skills for a few of the sites listed here. Most of the links, however, are dedicated to fiction and poetry.

Those who base their writing on what they have experienced could try out Sheila Bender`s online magazine Writing it Real . The rules for the contest are clearly specified, but those looking for contests that pay well may be disappointed. This seems to be one of those contests where the creativity takes precedence over economics. There is a fee attached for the entries.

Read:  https://studydaddy.com/attachment/153609/Audit+Decision+Cases+King+Companies.docx

Atlas Shrugged and Ayn Rand have been a part of the reading consciousness since the novel was published. College students have the opportunity now to spar with words and deliberate on what breaking passages and characters in this path novel actually want to convey and how they relate to larger philosophical conjectures. Manuscript Editing brings a long list of contests including those on Ayn Rand`s book. The prize money is more than tempting, and the subject matter fascinating.

Make them want to be you! Yes, that`s theme for this year`s Funds for Writer`s contest: Make us want to be you? You have to convince the evaluators to want to be you or tell them about what you would do with a year`s time for pursuing your writing dreams. This promises to be interesting and allows you to talk about your plans, hopes, dreams, efforts, and achievements. There are two categories : the fee and non fee sections.  This is a rare site for Intelligence professionals out there. Who said Intelligence work and creativity do not go hand-in-hand? The AFCEA  site calls for essays from intelligence professionals to write about a topic of considerable significance to their community and work. 

More:  https://studydaddy.com/question/as-a-manager-of-an-organization-you-will-often-need-to-find-ways-to-cut-costs-on-2

Writing can be invigorating, and when you write to win or even to challenge, it can be more so. These essay contest sites can help you make a mark for yourself in the world of words.

More resources:

English essay: How many types can there be?

The Critical Essay-what do you Critique? 

Essay Example: How to Persuade

Where to find the Essay Rubric

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