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Researcharticles are published




Researcharticles are published in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, i.e.those that go through a rigorous evaluation/review process before beingaccepted for publication. Hence, the title for research articles is used forpeer-reviewed materials. These articles have a specific structure and aim to buy a persuasiveessay publish a contribution to science. There is noadvertising or commercial information in scientific journals.

Therefore, ifyou intend to write a scientific article or a book on a particular topic, youuse the accumulated scientific research up to that point. It is logical torefer to credible, reliable and accurate sources. And here are some importantquestions you should ask yourself:

1.     Whowrote the publication? It is important to learn more about the author. Is it ajournalist or is it a scientist who has researched the topic for years. Isthere any reason to believe that this person knows much about the subject? Whatif the article doesn't have an author? Would you trust such information?

2.     Whois the editor? Anyone can put their name on a web page as an editor. But whatare his credentials? Is he the person who formats the text and weeds out thespam, or is he part of the panel of subject-matter experts who evaluate theresearch to see if it is correct and logically written?

3.     Whoreads the article? Academic writing is difficult to read; it requires you tohave knowledge of the subject and to reason. Popular publications are meant tobe read by anyone, regardless of their expertise. Another essential question iswhere you find the publication: is it in a journal that only specialists reador on a website with a .com extension?

4.     Whyis the publication written? Is it to sell more copies of the narrative essay journal or is itto inform advances in science?


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