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學齡前ˋ4-5歲的孩子們是最需要眼手協調的大小肌肉活動.  透過網球, 樂高, 益智遊戲讓孩子不只有大肌肉的運動還有小肌肉的協調練習, 還有益智遊戲的頭腦運用.  中英雙語並用課程, 但是不刻意的著重於語言的練習因為在這年齡的孩子們, 不是期望孩子們要學會甚麼, 而是藉由這短短的次活動, 啟開他們對任何事物充滿好奇及熱情的鎖!

活動費用: 一期4堂課 每堂課$500 一小時三十分鐘(帳號在確認報名後用LINE傳達)

活動地點: 台北市和平東路3段119巷25號4樓(六張犁捷運站附近)

Preschool children(4-5 years old) are the best time to begin for muscle activities that require eye-hand coordination. Through mini tennis, Lego, and puzzle games, children can exercise not only the movement of large muscles but also the coordination of small muscles. Use both English and Chinese languages, but do not deliberately focus on language practice.  We believed that children at this age should not to expect what they will learn much but to unlock their curious and enthusiastic on anything!  

Fees: $2000 per person for 4 lessons(wire account will provide after entry is confirmed)

Event location: 4F #25 Lane 119 Sec. 3 He Ping East Rd. Taipei, Taiwan (near Liu Zhangli MRT station)


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