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2019大圓滿立斷課程延期後續安排 Deferment of Dzogchen teaching “Trekchö (Cutting Through) ” 2019



(Please scroll down for English version)



1)  保留學位,繼續參與2020年的<大圓滿立斷>課程。下年學費如有調整亦不受影響。

2)  退回學費。我們會盡快聯絡閣下索取戶口資料(因保安理由,帳戶資料將以電郵索取)。

3) 捐款。把學費悉數捐到尼泊爾措尼給洽林學校,並列入2019年的 1+1配對基金計劃




有問題請電郵 pundarikahk@gmail.com 查詢。

Due to unforeseeable conditions in Hong Kong, in consultation with the organising committee, Tsoknyi Rinpoche decided to defer teachings of Trekchö (Cutting Through), scheduled 17-20 November, 2019 to 2020. Exact date of the next teaching is to be decided.

For those who have successfully registered Trekchö (Cutting Through) in 2019, you may choose one of the following three options for your paid fees.

Option 1.  Fees paid in 2019 to be transferred to the same teaching in 2020. You will not be affected by any adjustment in fees.

Option 2.   Full refund of fees paid in 2019.  For security reasons, your account details must be sent to us by email.  We will be in touch for bank transfer arrangements.

Option 3.  Fees paid in 2019 to be donated to construction of the new Tsoknyi Gechak School in Nepal.  The donated amount will be entitled to the dollar-for-dollar matching challenge.

Please submit the form below on or before 31st December 2019.  For no reply by the end of 2019, the paid fees will be donated to the school project.

Pundarika Hong Kong reserves all rights for the final explanation.

For inquiries please email pundarikahk@gmail.com .



地點:香港大埔科學園 (大埔科學園 Science Park, Tai Po, Hong Kong)
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