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2019/11/22-11/24 Paolo Knill & Margo Fuchs【Making Sense Through The Arts】3-days Workshop in Taiwan




An introduction to the discipline of playthrough the intermodal expressive arts therapy.

Intermodal expressive arts therapy wasdeveloped by Paolo Knill. In the last 40 years the field has expanded beyondthe therapeutic field into the professional practices of counselling, coaching,supervision, education, nursing, social work, crisis intervention, peacebuilding, team building and organizational development. In all of these fieldsthe intermodal expressive arts have proven to foster sustainable sense making.

Low skill - high sensitivity (Knill,Barba, Fuchs 2004) is a method that makes it possible that a layperson can alsoexperience the discipline of play through the arts. We will do intermodalexpressive arts work with a low range of skills and at the same time a highsensitivity towards the artistic material to be shaped and the art productemerging. Participants will reach a sense of playful accomplishment as theydiscover the relevant resources to do art.

In this workshop, the pioneers introducethe basic concepts by studio work and reflection.

Required reading:

Knill, P., Barba, H., Fuchs, M. (2004).Minstrels of Soul. Intermodal Expressive Therapy. Canada: EGS Press.

Participants Note:

1. come with comfortable clothe to move, and have a black shirt and leggins for performances at hand if possible, or any black clothes. 
2. bring an object that can be used as a hat, but is not a hat.
3. the Minstrels of Soul  is a mandatory book.


2019/11/22-24Fri. Sat.& Sun.AM9:30-12:30PM 2:00-6:00



No.156-1, Sec. 2, Muxin Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 116, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Registration Form:
Please see the bottom of the page.

Contact Information:
Psygarden Growth Centre, 
Psygarden Publishing Company.
Tel: +886-2-2702-9186 ex.217 Miss Lin
E-mail: rainstream@psygarden.com.tw



地點:台北市文山區木新路二段156之1號 (表演36房)
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