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2019 EWC Taichung Site Event

2019 EWC T


EWC 台中 Site event 限台中辦公室員工為主,若您因出差在其他工作區支援者,欲參加當地活動請洽當地福委。
This event is only for EWC members working location at Taichung. 
If you support at other office and want to join at non-Taichung site event,please contact EWC site rep. first. (LK - Amber Chen;  HC - Diane Lin/Joanna Hsu;  TC - Ashely Yeh / Luffy Wu;  TN - Miranda Kuo)

Limited reservation for each slot.(deadline 8/28)

Please also register for your family/ supporters and pay by self.

此活動開放3梯次 , 沒有任何因公補償
The activity has 3 slot and no any duty compensation 

入場前,請先找福委簽名報到 (Ashely Yeh / Owen Chang / Luffy Wu / Sherry Lin)
Before entering the restaurant, please find an EWC rep. (Ashely Yeh / Owen Chang / Luffy Wu / Sherry Lin) to sign in.

入座後請不要更換座位,因現場以桌為單位補助一名員工NTD 1,000
Do not change your seat once you're seated because we pay NTD 1,000 for each employee / each table.

Venue: No.1038, Section 4, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitun District (Sioumazang Yakiniku)


地點:台中市西屯區台灣大道四段1038號 (燒肉眾精緻炭火燒肉 台中JMall店)
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