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當 Eliud Kipchoge 已經以1小時59分40秒突破人類全馬紀錄時
我們要創一個紀錄 ; 一個台灣越野界無限可能的紀錄

Marathon new record had broken though by Eliud Kipchoge 1h59m40s, impressive the entire world. Do you have the same ambition that you may have a chance to make a new record as well?

One day Epic Challenge, in 24 hours climbs to 8 GuGuan Mountains without any transportation only by you “feet”. We’re going to make a history; this record will be Taiwan trail legend!

一、活動日期: 2020年1月11日上午8:00-2020年1月12日 上午8:00
Even : 08:00 11th Jan-08:00 12th Jan 2020

二、活動集合地點:谷關東西橫貫公路牌樓 (07:00)
Venues : GuGuan signboard spot (Hot spring street) (07:00)

三、活動路線:斯可巴步道 出發→馬崙山→波津加山→屋我尾山→東卯山→八仙山→唐麻丹山→阿冷山→白毛山→白毛山登山步道口 終點
距離:70k (ITRA 審核) 爬升:7190m+ (ITRA 審核)
Route : start at Skoba trail Ma Lun (2305M)Pojunja(1772Mwu wowei(1305M)Tungma(1690M)Basian(2366M)Tangmada(1305M)A Len (1540M)Baimao(1690M)Finish
Distance: 70K (from ITRA) Climb : 7190m+ (from ITRA)

歡迎想要挑戰自我的好朋友下載 GPX !
Welcome everybody who has an ambition wants to challenge yourself to download GPX.

The rules:
All the challengers must “challenge” by your “feet” without any transportation completely the route.

The challengers have to carry GPS until you finish. (Return after finish)

Mandatory equipment list download link : https://reurl.cc/VaY9gQ

Mandatory check points: The challengers must to cooperate with staffs make a check and take a photo. Mandatory check points are:
A. Ma Lun (7.0km)
B. Pojinhia (22.9km)
C. Wu wowei (32.6km)
D. Tbulan (42.0km)
E. Lei Lieng park lot (57.5km)
F. A Leng (62.1km)

5.本活動採邀請制,挑戰者無需繳納任何費用,大會負擔保險、GPS發報機租金 及押金、活動補給、起跑與結束登山口之接駁。
All the challengers will not have to pay any fee for 24H G8, this is an invitation system, GPS /insurance /supply /start and finish line transportations will all be paid by organization of UTMG.

6.本活動在任何登山口不設關門時間,但受邀挑戰者只有24小時,請自行調配 最佳的速度於24小時內依規定路線完成八雄。只要挑戰者不放棄仍在賽道堅 持努力著,大會志工群一定會等待著挑戰者完成挑戰。
In 24 hours there is no close time of each mandatory check point, all the staffs will stay and fight with all the challengers until to last minutes.

The challengers could arrange your own supply team or to grocery store buying something is allowed.

8.挑戰者集合報到地點 谷關橫貫公路牌樓,集結完成後,大會派車載往起點出 發。
The challengers will get together in GuGuan sideboard spot (Hot spring street) we’ll provide transportations to take the challengers to start point.
註 :
Note :
The challenger who will drive the car to Venues, you may park your car in the public park lot, where is on family mart second floor, 50NT for 48 hours.

The final peak is Baimao, we’ll provide transportations to pick up finisher back to the Venues.

However during the challenge if you have any conditions you may give it up , please call Organizer Bill Ku immediately, we’ll sent a car to pick you up and back to Venues.

11.規劃路線符合 ITRA 規範,實際分段探路完成後(GPS紀錄),將申請ITRA積 分與UTMB認證,完成者將可取得 ITRA 積分。
24H G8 Epic Challenge apply for ITRA and qualified for UTMB. You will get the ITRA point after you finish 24H G8.
• ITRA Points: 4
• Mountain points : 12
• Finisher : 400
• ITRA's agreement number : 4455-55319
• ITRA imformation : https://reurl.cc/VaY9eN
12.大會將於 捎來步道涼亭或谷關郵局(20.0/26.0km 或 19.1/26.7km)、松鶴部落(42.0km)、裡冷部落(57.5km)設立食物補給站,補給以簡單為主,熱食選擇有限,樣式簡單(參考 TDG)。
Food supply will be in 3 places(20.0/26.0km or 19.1/26.7km)(42.0km) (57.5km), hot food and easy to go.


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