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Western travelers, in general, are very interested in areas of natural beauty, but not necessarily famous tourist destinations. They like the peace and quiet that nature offers, as well as the opportunities for being active such as hiking, trail running, mountain biking, whitewater rafting, paragliding and bird watching, etc. Taiwan is a great mountain destination as it not only provides a wealth of natural landscapes, but also cultural landscapes, meaning there are almost unlimited ways for Western travelers to enjoy a mountain holiday. Cheryl Robbins, a licensed tour guide specializing in indigenous area travel, will talk about the state of ecotourism and cultural tourism in Taiwan’s mountains, focusing on Western markets, and the opportunities for and obstacles to their continued development. 

一般來說, 西方遊客對自然風光的地區非常感興趣, 但不是著名的旅遊聖地。他們喜歡大自然提供的寧靜, 以及休閒活動的方式, 如徒步、跑步、登山越野、泛舟、滑翔翼和賞鳥等。而臺灣是世界上高山密度最高的國家,恰好提供高山旅遊好地方, 因為它不僅有豐富的自然景觀, 還有人文景觀,這樣的旅遊環境正符合西方旅客喜歡接近山林,旅遊渡假地方。我們邀請從事原住民旅遊專家羅雪柔(Cheryl Robbins)來談論臺灣山區生態旅遊和文化旅遊的現況,並將灣旅遊推廣西方市場, 以及未來發展的機會和阻礙。

※ 講座為中文講授

【主講】羅雪柔 (Cheryl Robbins),亞洲部落企業社
【時間】108年2月20日(三) 晚上19:00-21:00
【地點】臺北市信義路二段88號6樓 義美大樓六樓教室 (捷運東門站出口3)



地點:台北市信義路二段88號 (義美大樓6樓教室)
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