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【2019.TIFAR傳奇之旅系列】 DNS高階應用課程 Advanced DNS Skills course(主講:DNS發明人Pavel Kolar)



●課程名稱:【2019.TIFAR傳奇之旅系列】  DNS高階應用課程 Advanced DNS Skills course(主講:DNS發明人Pavel Kolar)
●講師:巴柏.柯勒 博士(Professor Pavel Kolar, P.T., Paed. Dr., Ph.D.);助理講師:安莉娜.科比梭娃Alena Kobesova, M.D. Ph.D.
●連絡方式:0905139666(宏甫客服),或 LineID:tifar;微信ID: tifarhsiao

● Provide an enhanced understanding andability to apply Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization.
● Postural-locomotion function: analysis,frequent causes of its disturbance, therapy and training procedures.
●Physiological and abnormal early motordevelopment: case studies, video demonstration, live infant demonstration:postural analysis, postural reactions, primitive reflexes, determiningdevelopmental age, , quotient of retardation.
●Improve participants' understanding of thekinematics of stabilization during the developmental sequence.
●See and learn Prof Kolar’s updatedassessment, treatment and training methods utilizing DNS concepts andprinciples for musculoskeletal, neurological and orthopedic clients.
●Assessment, treatment and training strategiesfor the athlete: case studies, patient examples, workshopping.
●Attendees of this courses should expect animproved understanding of DNS and its application to the general populationwith movement system disturbance and athletic population.
●The course will be a combination of lecture,demonstration and live case studies.



地點:宏甫國際中心,臺中市西區臺灣大道2段285號23樓 (環宇實業大樓)
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