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2018 HKIMM / TAPRM Asia Pacific Prolotherapy Conference (Regenerative Injection Therapy) 台灣版

2 Days:2018-11-17


2018 HKIMM/TAPRM Asia Pacific Prolotherapy Conference    (Regenerative Injection Therapy) 台灣版


Hong Kong Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine / Taiwan Association of Prolotherapy and Regenerative Medicine

時間:2018 年 11 月 17 日 08:00 – 21:30、 11 月 18 日 08:00 ─ 18:00

地點:台中榮民總醫院 研究大樓二樓 第一會場

Special Lecture Venue: pending, (19:00-21:30 17th Nov. subjected to change) 

Day 1 : Sat 17th Nov. 2018
TimeTopics of conference 
08:20~08:30Welcome and Introduction

Dr. Frederick Lin

Dr. Stanley Lam



Dr. Lenny Horwitz
09:30~10:00Introduction of PIT (Regenerative  Injection  Therapy)Dr. Bjorn Eek
10:00~10:30Introduction of nerve hydrodissectionDr. Stanley Lam
10:50~11:00Localization of pain site by skeletal scintigraphyDr. Shin-Tsu Chang
11:00~11:30Prolotherapy of kneeDr. Bjorn Eek
11:30~12:00Video demonstration: prolo for kneeDr. Bjorn Eek
12:00~12:30Nerves for RIT of kneeDr. Stanley Lam
13:30~13:50RIT in Hong KongDr. Stanley Lam
13:50~14:10RIT in TaiwanDr. Frederick Lin
14:10~14:30RIT in AustraliaDr. Philip Lim
14:30~15:00Prolotherapy of hipDr. Bjorn Eek
15:00~15:30Video demonstration: prolo for hipDr. Bjorn Eek
16:00~16:30Nerves for RIT of hipDr. Stanley Lam
16:30~17:00Solution advancement of RITDr. Bjorn Eek
17:00~17:30Nutrition for RITDr. Bjorn Eek
 Break and short dinner 
19:00-21:30Special lecture and demonstration: 

Essential elements to raise up RIT 

result & role of manipulation in RIT, 

manual technique for shoulder

Dr. Philip Lim

Day 2 : Sun 18th Nov, 2018
Topics of conference 
08:30~09:00Prolotherapy of ankleDr. Lenny Horwitz
09:00~09:20Video demonstration: prolo for ankleDr. Lenny Horwitz
09:20~09:50Prolotherapy of footDr. Lenny Horwitz
09:50~10:10Video demonstration: prolo for footDr. Lenny Horwitz
10:40~11:10Nerves for RIT of ankle / footDr. Stanley Lam
11:10~11:40Prolotherapy of neck / upper backDr. Bjorn Eek
11:40~12:00Video demonstration: prolo for neck / upper backDr. Bjorn Eek
12:00~12:30Nerves for RIT of neck / upper backDr. Stanley Lam
13:30~13:50RIT in PhilippineDr. Jeimylo De Castro
13:50~14:10RIT in KoreaDr. Yong Hyun Yoon
14:10~14:40Prolotherapy of shoulderDr. Bjorn Eek
14:40~15:00Video demonstration: prolo for shoulderDr. Bjorn Eek
15:00~15:30Prolotherapy for shoulder instabilityDr. Yong Hyun Yoon
16:00~16:30Nerves for RIT of shoulderDr. Stanley Lam
16:30~17:00Prolotherapy of lower backDr. Bjorn Eek
17:00~17:20Video demonstration: prolotherapy of lower backDr. Bjorn Eek
17:20~17:50Nerves for RIT of the lower backDr. Stanley Lam


Dr. Bjorn Eek, MD

Doctor Eek is an orthopedic surgeon in private practice in Santa Barbara, CA. He served his residency in General Surgery at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine and his subspecialty training in Orthopedic Surgery at the University of California Irvine College of Medicine. He earned his Doctor of Medicine degree at University of California at Irvine. For his undergraduate studies, Dr. Eek attended the University of California at Los Angeles.

His great skills and experience in musculoskeletal medicine makes him so famous in USA for great result of treatment and diagnosis. He devoted himself in developing msk medicine such as prolotherapy, regenerative injection therapy, and teaches around the world to help more doctors learn prolotherapy and improve their treatment results. He also developed solutions and nutrition to improve RIT. 
He got American Association Orthopedic Medicine (AAOM) lifetime achievement award in 2007 which just shows our respect and gratefulness for Dr. Eek.

Dr.Bjorn Eek ---
美國知名骨科醫師,臨床功力深厚,名聲遠播,治療的對象包含許多名人影星,運動員等等,除了骨科手術,並累績30年的增生療法經驗,對於增生藥劑有獨到研究,修復人體椎間盤,專精各樣再生性注射,雖年事已高仍每週往返LA, Sanfrancisco 做進階的導引增生性注射及教學, Dr. Eek 於AAOM擔任增生療法教學數十年,教學經驗相當豐富,每年均參與於墨西哥舉辦的治療技術工作坊指導年輕醫師,每次其教學,所有資深醫師也蜂擁而至,聆聽其珍貴心得分享,亞洲區增生療法醫師幾乎都跟隨Dr. Eek學習過,因為年輕的時候,當海軍曾在高雄服役,因此對台灣有深刻感情,於是特別願意不辭路途遙遠,不遠千里來台,為台灣醫療獻上30年來珍貴的行醫經驗分享,真的是台灣醫師之福啊!
此次課程,將教導Cryriax系統為基礎的骨科學(orthopedic medicine)與增生療法的最重要臨床重點觀念及技術,並教授上下肢及脊椎的評估技術及增生療法,此次應為Dr. Eek唯一次來台教學,錯過之後應無法再於台灣接受大師珍貴的現場指導,務必把握學習良機,千載難逢!

Dr. Lenny Horwitz, DPM

Dr. Lenny S. Horwitz, DPM practices podiatry in Bluefield, Va. where he specializes in non-surgical interventions for treating foot and ankle problems. His 19 page CV is very impressive, spanning almost 50 years of practice, but Dr. Horwitz is best known for his clear understanding of how foot dysfunction and disease impact other parts of the body such as the neck, back, and knee.

Dr. Horwitz teaches biomechanics and prolotherapy for AAOM, the Hackett-Hemwall Foundation and Israel’s Hadassah Hospital. In the past, he has taught for AOA and AAOM. He also has lectured about treatments for diabetic neuropathies at local healthcare institutions and for the Goldfarb Lecture at Temple University’s Podiatric School of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He has the ability to make the complex seem simple and fun when he is teaching so his classes are always filled with eager students wanting to learn.

2013 AAOM lifetime achievement award

Dr.Lenny Horwitz ---
美國肌骨醫學會(AAOM)近三十年增生療法及足部臨床經驗的足科大師,曾被評選為美國鞋墊之父,專精人體力學,徒手治療,也曾是外科醫師,專精足部完整治療,獨創的增生療法注射手法,讓人可以在三針內,幾乎解決所有踝足部韌帶問題,堪稱踝足三針!! 對人體力學的了解,每一次聽他解析患者,都有如醍醐灌頂,打通任督二脈! 大師光是一句話,往往就能令人回味無窮。足部醫學醫師,對生物力學往往都有一定的研究,Lenny更是大師中的大師,他的診所有16位護士,一整套完整的治療流程,包含診斷、注射、徒手矯正、貼紮!治療好足部的問題,很多問題都能夠改善!這位大師,不僅非常厲害,更是超級親切幽默,聽他講課總是如沐春風,笑聲不斷,輕鬆之間,把很多不容易的問題解決!能邀請到他,真的是我們的榮幸!

林敬熹 醫師 Dr. Stanley KH Lam, MD
MBBS 香港大學內外全科醫學士
MScSEM (BATH) 英國巴斯大學運動醫學碩士
MScSMHS (CUHK) 香港中文大學運動和健康醫學碩士
PGDip MSM (Otago) 紐西蘭奧塔哥大學肌骼醫學學士後文憑
CIPS 世界疼痛醫學會超音波引導介入治療院士
President/ HKIMM香港肌骼醫學研究中心主席
Clinical Associate Professor (Hon) / The Chinese University of Hong Kong香港中文大學榮譽臨床副教授
Hon Clinical Assistant Professor / The University of Hong Kong 香港大學榮譽臨床助理教授
MSKUS Asia President 亞太肌肉骨骼超音波學會主席
MSKUS Faculty美國肌肉骨骼超音波學會教師
AAOM Faculty美國肌骨醫學會(AAOM) 增生療法教師
World Academy of Pain Medicine Ultrasonography (WAPMU) Faculty世界疼痛醫學超音波學會教師
World Institute of Pain Examiner 世界疼痛醫學會考官
Hackett Hemwall Foundation Faculty師資
The Orthobiologic Institution (TOBI) Faculty師資
American Osteopathic Association of Prolotherapy and Regenerative Medicine Faculty 師資
KH Lam Musculoskeletal Pain Management & Sports Injury Center, Hong Kong

Team Physician, Rugby Teams, The Hong Kong University of Education香港教育大學欖球隊隊醫

Dr. Stanley Lam is famous for his comprehensive knowledge in musculoskeletal ultrasound and regenerative injection therapy. As he was invited to teach all around the world, he stayed a lot in the air which may be more than he was on the ground. He stays in the air more, also because he runs a lot. As he runs more, he gets more experience of RIT by injecting himself by himself. Everywhere he teaches, people just inexorably surround him for more teaching. He devotes himself to musculoskeletal pain, and he teaches and keeps improving his medicine with love. 

Dr. Philip Lim
Musculoskeletal Medicine
Northside Physical Medicine
105/2 Atchison Street
St Leonards NSW
PHILIP LIM is a medical practitioner with special interest in musculoskeletal medicine and is in
private practice on the North Shore of Sydney, in sunny Australia.
He graduated from the University of London (MB.BS.) in 1985. He has a Masters of Medicine in
Physical (Musculoskeletal) Medicine from the University of Sydney in 2002. With over 30 years’
experience in medicine, his interest is in manual therapies along with Regenerative Orthopaedic
Medicine using platelet rich plasma injections to both ligaments and joints under ultrasound
guidance. He is a Foundation Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine and
Member of the Australian Association of Musculoskeletal Medicine and the American Association of
Orthopaedic Medicine.
● MB.BS. (London) (1985)
● Master of Medicine, University of Sydney (2003)
● Fellow Australian College of Physical Medicine
● Fellow Hong Kong Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine
● Past Fellowship Examiner Hong Kong Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine
● Member Australian Association of Musculoskeletal Medicine
● Member American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine

Dr. Yong Hyun Yoon
MD - Korean Medical Doctor
Orthopaedic Surgeon - Hallym Sacred Hearted Hospital
Shoulder and Elbow Fellowship -  Hallym Sacred Hearted Hospital
DOMTP - Diplomate in Osteopathic Manipulative Theory & Practice
IROM-C (Interventional and Regenerative Orthopaedic Medicine Certification)
Facutly / O-C-O (Ontario College of Osteopathy)
Faculty / KACOM (Korean Association of Cyriax Orthopaedic Medicine)
Faculty / KAMST (Korean Association of Medical Shockwave Treatment)
Facutly / MSSONO (Musculosceletal Ultrasound)
CranioSomatic Treatment Workshop by Hancock
HHPF (Hackett Hemwall Patterson Foundation) workshop
AAOM workshop (Denver, Cancun, Guadalajara, Seatle)
Perineural Injection Therapy Workshop (John Lyftogt)
ISMST diplomate (International Society of Medical Shockwave Treatment)
Member of AAOM, A4M, AAOT, ISMST
Member of KOA, KSES, Korean Knee Society
Incheon Terminal Orthopaedic Clinic - Private practice 

Dr. Jeimylo De Castro
Jeimylo De Castro MD, FPARM, RMSK, DABRM
Medical Director at SMARTMD -- sonographic musculoskeletal assessment and regenerative therapy
Region IVA - Calabarzon, PhilippinesMedical Practice
Current:SMARTMD -- sonographic musculoskeletal assessment and regenerative therapy, American Academy and Board of Regenerative Medicine, Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Previous:PuRxCell, American academy and board of regenerative medicine, Teaching faculty of aapmr msk ultrasound guided chemodenervation workshop
Education:University of Santo Tomas

林家弘 醫師 Dr. Frederick Lin
American Association of Orthopaedic Medicine(AAOM)進階增生療法訓練
Hackett-Hemwall Foundation (HHF)增生療法進修
美國MSKUS美國肌骨超音波學院超音波訓練 Dr Thomas Clark
神經增生療法訓練 (neuroprolotherapy) Master Founder Dr John Lyftogt
神經動能療法訓練(Neurokinetic therapy) NKT Founder David Weinstock
神經療法訓練(Neural therpay) Dr Jeff Harris
顱薦骨療法訓練(Cranisacral Therapy)
密西根州立大學骨病學學院進修 徒手治療訓練 (Michigan State University - college of osteopathy OMT training)
澳洲 Dr. Abbie 足部力學及矯正訓練
彩光針灸訓練 (Color Puncture)

張幸初 醫師 Dr. Shin-Tsu Chang

Dr. Shin-Tsu Chang, MD, MS, PhD

Director of Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Associate Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
The 19th Vice President of the Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the specialist review committee
Member of the Republic of China Medical Ultrasonic Society
Member of the American Society of Neurorehabilitation
Member of Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Specialist board of Taiwan Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Member of Taiwan Stroke Society

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  *台中福華飯店 假日:單人房$3200;雙人房$3650
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   台中璞園飯店  04-2463-2323
   台中裕元花園酒店  04-24656555


地點:台中榮民總醫院 (第一會場)
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