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Shuttle bus application for summer moving 申請搭專車送各棟住宿生人員、行李至業勤




Thelatest information of shuttle bus for transferring to diligent dormitory fromeach dorm.



第一梯次:7/3 改為am10:30 出動中巴專車與貨車各一台,將陸續停靠在樂群宿舍、大葉一舍,各棟宿舍接送住宿生前往業勤宿舍入住,依最新分流規定,原本住以上宿舍與住校外之已申請暑假住宿之同學可於7/3 am 10:30 入住業勤宿舍,以上身份的住宿生之業勤暑期房號將於7/2 23:00 前收到email 通知,原本住四肯宿舍、大葉學舍之同學請暫留於四肯宿舍至7/9 am 10:30

1ststage move in Diligent Dorm: Students who lived in Le-Chun, Da-Yeh 1st, LifeHall, or live outside in academic year106-2, can move into diligent dormitoryon July 3rd am 10:30.Shuttle buses will be there at Le-Chun, Da-Yeh 1stmale dormitory to pick you and luggage up on July 3rd am 10:30.


生活會館的部分因為車輛只能停在公車停車場,效益不大,因而取消生活會館的車輛搬運,因此請原住生活會館的同學於7/3 am 10:30 以後自行搬運行李至業勤宿舍


第二梯次:7/9 am 10:30出動中巴專車與貨車各一台中巴專車,停靠在四肯宿舍、大葉學舍,接送住宿生前往業勤宿舍入住,原本住四肯宿舍、大葉學舍之同學的業勤暑期房號,將於7/7  23:00 前收到email 通知。

2ndstage move in Diligent Dorm: Students who lived in Da-Yeh female, 4-Willing inacademic year 106-2, can move into diligent dormitory on July 9th am 10:00.Shuttle buses will be there to pick you up on July 9th am 10:30.



you can apply Shuttle bus transportation forsummer moving if you didn’t live in diligent dorm in academic year 106-1

*注意事項(Attention Items)

1. 請留正確之E-mail帳號,以免重要訊息無法傳遞,申請送出後,如果沒有在5分鐘內收到線上報名自動通知信函,表示您的E-mail填寫錯誤,請通知承辦人沈英平協助修改。

Please give the correct E-mail address to get on time important dormitory information. If you didn’t get E-mail by 5 minutes to make sure you are successfully finishing apply, means your E-mail writing is wrong. Please contact Nelson Shen by Line or cellphone to revise it.

2. 請各宿舍暑假要搬來業勤的住宿生,只攜帶暑假期間需要用到的簡便行李與貴重物品,其他本國生行李請先搬回家,外籍生若107-1確定已公告住業勤宿舍則可於暑假入住日將所有行李搬來業勤宿舍,其餘的外籍生行李則暫留原棟宿舍。

All summerstay students, you can bring simple luggage to diligentdormitory. Other Taiwanese student, please take most of your luggage home. Onlyinternational students are allowed to stay luggage in dormitory. If you are a internationalstudent who is announced to live in diligent dormitory, you can move all yourluggage to diligent dormitory on the summer time move in date. If not, pleasestay most of your luggage in the original dormitory.

3. 禁止暑假住宿生將其他本國生或住校外同學的非自己之行李帶進業勤宿舍之寢室內保管,如發現暑期住宿生的個人行李數量超出合理範圍,搬運專車將拒載,暑期業勤宿舍也將逐一查房,如發現行李數量多到影響其他同寢室友,將會加以懲處。

All summerstay students don’t help other Taiwanese students who didn’t apply summer stayto keep more baggage. If over the reasonable amount owned by one person, yourmoving shuttle will reject to take it. If you put too much luggage in yoursummer room to make the trouble affect your roommate, you will be asked to solveit.

4. 貴重物品請自行看管並妥善保管,往返搬運或入住期間,如有遺失,一概不負責賠償或協尋。

Please saveall your important and high value items by yourself. If any lost on the waycome or back and during your stay, we will have no way to compensate or help tofine it back.

5. 住宿違規懲處事項:Domitoryrules

a.未申請寒假住宿而擅自留宿於學校宿舍者(包含大葉一舍、樂群、四肯、業勤、大葉學舍),經查明後,除須繳清住宿費用外,並依學生獎懲辦法議處。Don’t stay withoutpayment during summer vocation. You will be punished if your illegal stay is found.


Don’t smokeinside the dormitory or on the balcony. You will be punished by canceling stayif your illegal smoking is found. No refund if cancel your summer stay.

c. 除了至暑期宿舍值班幹部房洽公之原因以外,其他情況皆禁止任意進入異性房間與樓層,禁止使用異性樓層之浴室及廁所,違者將予以退宿。

The 1st to 4thfloor are rooms for male, the 5th and 6th are rooms forfemale. Unless you have permission from the dormitory staff on duty, you arenot allowed to enter the floors of your opposite sex under any circumstances.The prohibition includes use of the bathrooms in the floors of your oppositesex. Offenders will face the punishment of room cancelation in the next schoolyear.


6. 如有發現任何可疑之異常狀況,請立即透過暑期住宿Line群組或撥打值班手機:0958027073,通報業勤值班幹部或老師。

If you notice any suspiciousactivity involving this policy, please notify the dormitory staffs on duty by2018 Summer Stay or

Line Group http://line.me/ti/g/7soYYoTpav

cellphone: 0958027073



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