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2018 聚焦亞太新興市場-生醫產業創業經驗分享論壇


2018 聚焦亞太新




New Southbound Policy is a critical policy for transforming Taiwanese economic structure. The growth of emerging markets and the integration of regional economics become the main strength for extending internal market and external support for Taiwan. Biomedical industry has been a growing high-technology industry that the total number of public dedicated biotech companies rose to 108. The total capitalization of biomedical industry was 976 billion and the turnover was 186 billion TW dollars in 2016. Due to an increase in demand for biomedical products, many manufacturers start to seek for international collaboration. Therefore, Healthcare Industry Development Association across the Strait (HIDAS) invites biomedical industry manufacturers from Asia Pacific region to promote experience exchange among international companies or partners.

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地點:台北市忠孝三段1號 (國立臺北科技大學第六教學大樓B1國際會議廳)
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