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2018 寒假住宿個人申請系統-候補登記




請於1/9 申請完成,若有候補到位置,會再通知您去補繳費。


2018 winter vacation dormitoryapplication guidelines

for students who do not stay in diligent dormitory during school semesters


1. 適用對象(Applicable students):學期中住大葉一舍、樂群、四肯、大葉學舍之本校住宿生

Students who are living in Da-Yeh 1st dorm(male), Le-Chun(bothgenders), 4-Willing(female), Da-Yeh dorm(female)during school semesters.




Students who applied for lessons or related activities in our schoolcan apply to stay in the dormitory during winter vacation. Registration is required.

2. 申請網址:the Registration website: 

3. 申請期限:即日起至1061217()子夜12:00止,逾期不受理。

Application is open now and the deadline is December 17 of 2017 on Sunday 12:00PM night. Applicationafter this deadline will not be accepted

4.繳費期限:106年12月25日(一)開始~107年1月5日(五) 17:00止,請至學校財管組,報學號即可調出繳費資料,完成繳費,逾期不予安排寒假住宿。

Payment deadline9:00am, Monday, December25, 2017 ~ 17:00 pm, Friday, January 5th, 2018.

Payment method: Pay at the school’s finance office which is located at the firstfloor of the Administration Building. Failure to pay within the deadlineresults in disqualifying to secure a room in the dormitory.


Charges: Twin Rate: 136NTD for 1 day 119NTD for 1 day per student(including air-conditioning and other utilities). You can apply Quad Room only.

6.進住寒假宿舍時間/地點: 業勤宿舍以外之其他棟宿舍的寒假住宿生於1月19日(五)上午10:00以後始可入住業勤宿舍,1月15日~1月19日,這段期間請依各棟宿舍指示與規定,留在原棟宿舍。學校1月19日(五)上午10:00~12:00派車至各棟宿舍協助載運行李,搬入業勤宿舍。在業勤宿舍5133 辦理入住

Winter vacation move in date: Other dormitories’ students can start moving into diligent dormitory at10:00 on Friday, January 19, 2018. Students should follow each dorm’s guidelineswhen staying in the dormitory during January 15th to January 19th. School buseswill assist to carry your luggage for moving to diligent dormitory at 10:00 ~12: 00 am on Friday, January 19,2018. Check-inat room 5133 of Diligent dormitory.

7.寒假結束需搬離業勤宿舍期限:2月22日(四)中午12:00 以前,逾期後,仍有物品堆放於寒假申請之業勤宿舍寢室內者,將視同垃圾予以清除,不得異議。

Move out deadline: Before noon time 12:00 on Thursday February 22, 2018, students arerequired to leave the dorm dormitory. After this date, if we find any items inyour dormitory room, they will be treated as garbage and be disposed. We will not accept any complain once the items are disposed. 

8.有寒假住宿需求之個人或團體,請加入「2018 Winter業勤寒假住宿」Line群組,以掌握最新訊息或詢問相關問題。

For any individualor group applicants who are in need of winter stay, please join Line group of "2018Winter" to receive the latest information or ask related questions.

Line website: http://line.me/ti/g/0Sug1D1X_E




請立即上網申請,網址:the Registrationwebsite: 


Diligent Dormitory students:

If you need to stay a few more days after noontime 12:00 on Jan. 15, please apply for the extra stay. All resident andforeign resident students in the dormitory are required to apply for wintervacation accommodation online and pay the fee based on the expected number ofdays of stay.

The final to apply winter stay, please go into the website:  assoon. 

Line group QR code as picture


2018 winter vacation dormitoryapplication guidelines

for students who do not stay in diligent dormitory during school semesters


1. 適用對象(Applicable students):學期中住大葉一舍、樂群、四肯、大葉學舍之本校住宿生

Students who are living in Da-Yeh 1st dorm(male), Le-Chun(bothgenders), 4-Willing(female), Da-Yeh dorm(female)during school semesters.




Students who applied for lessons or related activities in our schoolcan apply to stay in the dormitory during winter vacation. Registration is required.

2. 申請網址:the Registration website: 

3. 申請期限:即日起至1061217()子夜12:00止,逾期不受理。

Application is open now and the deadline is December 17 of 2017 on Sunday 12:00PM night. Applicationafter this deadline will not be accepted

4.繳費期限:106年12月25日(一)開始~107年1月5日(五) 17:00止,請至學校財管組,報學號即可調出繳費資料,完成繳費,逾期不予安排寒假住宿。

Payment deadline9:00am, Monday, December25, 2017 ~ 17:00 pm, Friday, January 5th, 2018.

Payment method: Pay at the school’s finance office which is located at the firstfloor of the Administration Building. Failure to pay within the deadlineresults in disqualifying to secure a room in the dormitory.


Charges: Twin Rate: 136NTD for 1 day 119NTD for 1 day per student(including air-conditioning and other utilities). You can apply Quad Room only.

6.進住寒假宿舍時間/地點: 業勤宿舍以外之其他棟宿舍的寒假住宿生於1月19日(五)上午10:00以後始可入住業勤宿舍,1月15日~1月19日,這段期間請依各棟宿舍指示與規定,留在原棟宿舍。學校1月19日(五)上午10:00~12:00派車至各棟宿舍協助載運行李,搬入業勤宿舍。在業勤宿舍5133 辦理入住

Winter vacation move in date: Other dormitories’ students can start moving into diligent dormitory at10:00 on Friday, January 19, 2018. Students should follow each dorm’s guidelineswhen staying in the dormitory during January 15th to January 19th. School buseswill assist to carry your luggage for moving to diligent dormitory at 10:00 ~12: 00 am on Friday, January 19,2018. Check-inat room 5133 of Diligent dormitory.

7.寒假結束需搬離業勤宿舍期限:2月22日(四)中午12:00 以前,逾期後,仍有物品堆放於寒假申請之業勤宿舍寢室內者,將視同垃圾予以清除,不得異議。

Move out deadline: Before noon time 12:00 on Thursday February 22, 2018, students arerequired to leave the dorm dormitory. After this date, if we find any items inyour dormitory room, they will be treated as garbage and be disposed. We will not accept any complain once the items are disposed. 

8.有寒假住宿需求之個人或團體,請加入「2018 Winter業勤寒假住宿」Line群組,以掌握最新訊息或詢問相關問題。

For any individualor group applicants who are in need of winter stay, please join Line group of "2018Winter" to receive the latest information or ask related questions.

Line website: http://line.me/ti/g/0Sug1D1X_E




請立即上網申請,網址:the Registrationwebsite:


Diligent Dormitory students:

If you need to stay a few more days after noontime 12:00 on Jan. 15, please apply for the extra stay. All resident andforeign resident students in the dormitory are required to apply for wintervacation accommodation online and pay the fee based on the expected number ofdays of stay.

The final to apply winter stay, please go into the website: assoon. 

Line group QR code as picture

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