Management: CI, hearing aid, assisting technology, pro and cons and controversies
1. 聽力學與與語言病理學有益的繼續教學。
2. 電生理學,前庭測試和其他科學的應用。
3. 聽力與語言病理學之問題探討。
四、時 間:106 年 12月30日 (星期六) 8:30 AM~16:30 PM
五、地 點:台北市內湖區基湖路18號
TOO 階梯會議廳(BenQ台北事業處)
六、報名時間: 即日起至106年12 月20 日前或額滿為止
十、說 明: 1.為尊重演講者,研習學員請勿自行錄影、錄音
十一、 研討會議程:
時間 | 內容 | 主講者 |
08:30-09:00 | 報到 |
09:00-09:10 | opening |
9:10-10:30 | Six Principles of Intervention for people with hearing loss (1.20 H) | Maroonroge Ph.D |
10:30-10:40 | 休息 |
10:40-12:00 | Amplification: What’s the brain got to do with it?(1.2 0H) | Maroonroge Ph.D |
12:00-13:00 | 午餐 |
13:00-14:30 | Connection of hearing health and brain plasticity (1.30 H) | Maroonroge Ph.D |
14:30-14:40 | 休息 |
14:40-16:10 | Controversies of CI, hearing aid and assisting technology in Asia Pacific regions (1.3 H) | Maroonroge Ph.D |
16:10-16:30 | Q & A | Maroonroge Ph.D |
十二、 講者簡介:
1. Executive board member for Asia Pacific Society inSpeech and Hearing 2009 to present.
2. ASHA Ethics Board Committee: 2009-Present
3. ASHA Site visitor for the Accreditation Committee:2007-Present
4. ASHA InternationalBoard Committee 2006-Present
5. World HealthOrganization (WHO) Committee on Hearing and Education Board, 2004- Present
1985University of Tennessee - Knoxville, Tennessee
Doctorof Philosophy -- Speech and Hearing Science
1980University of Northern Iowa - Cedar Falls, Iowa
Masterof Arts -- Audiology
1975Michigan State University - East Lansing, Michigan
Masterof Arts -- Speech Pathology
1972West Virginia University - Morgantown, West Virginia
Bachelorof Arts -- English & Speech
1. Chair of 2015 Asia PacificConference in Speech Pathology andAudiology in Guangzhou China. October 9-11, 2015
2. Vice president of Asia Pacific Society in Speech and Hearing 2013-2015
3. Humanitarian Committeeon Hearing, International Society of Audiology
4. Co-Chair of theAmerican Academy of Audiology (AAA) GlobalVillage Award 2001
5. Post Doctoral Research Project Reviewer for the American Engineering Education Association and U.S.Army Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C
6. Board member of the Associationof Houston Audiologists: A local Audiology Association in Houston, TX
7. Board member of Hearing Loss ofAmerican Association, a support group for people with hearing loss.
8. Outcome measurement committeefor the Texas Speech and Hearing Association: A state committee on universitytraining standard
9. Humanitarian Committee onHearing, International Society of Audiology
10. Consultant for the Thai and Taiwan Speech and HearingAssociation; The national organizations for speech pathologists andaudiologists
11. Consultant for the Department of Communication Disordersprogram in Kaohsiung Normal National University in Taiwan, Taipei NursingUniversity in Taiwan, University of Malaysia, KL in Malaysia, MahidonUniversity in Thailand and the International Islamic University in Malaysia
12. Scientific Advisor for Beijing Institute of Neurology,Beijing, China: A Government organization to study vestibular and balancefunctions
十三、 交通資訊:
捷運:文湖線西湖站2號出口 (步行約4分鐘)