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2030 SDGs Game Workshop


2030 SDGs


Have you ever wondered what the future may look like?

Come and experience the possibilities of our world in this half day simulation game workshop! The 2030 SDGs Game is a multiplayer, in-person, interactive card-based game that simulates taking the “real world” into the year 2030.
邀請你來參加這半天的遊戲工作坊,並體驗我們未來世界的所有可能性。<span style="color: rgb(13, 13, 13); ;Segoe UI", Roboto, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"; white-space-collapse: preserve;">2030年 SDGs Game 持續發展目標遊戲是一款多人可玩、面對面且彼此互動的卡片的遊戲,模擬將「真實世界」帶入2030年。

It is designed around the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that the United Nations created to be achieved by the year 2030.
Sustainability can be a difficult topic of conversation, let alone something that everyday people like us feel like we can achieve, but the SDGs Game takes this complex issue, and simplifies it to a level that is accessible and exciting! The SDGs Game is fun and inspiring, and is an excellent way to learn new things about our world and also ourselves!
是根據聯合國制定且須在 2030 年前達成的 17 項永續發展目標所設計的。永續是一個難以打開的話題,對我們這樣的普通人來說,似乎更加難以實現;但 SDGs 遊戲將這個複雜的問題簡單化了。SDGs 遊戲不僅有趣且發人省思,是重新認識世界和瞭解自己最棒的方法。

Join us on 4th of May for this workshop, sign up now, and we’ll see you all in the year 2030! 
現在就報名參加 5 月 4 日的工作坊,我們 2030 見!

Ages 15 and Up  15 歲以上
The program will be delivered in English with Chin support.  全城活動將以英語進行,中文為輔

There will be a minimum of 10 players, if sign ups do not meet that number, the event will be cancelled and you will be informed in advance.
至少需要 10 個人才可以進行遊戲,如果人數不到 10 人,我們將取消活動並提早告知。

Date 日期:4th of May, Saturday  五月四日星期六
Time 時間:14:00 - 17:00

Price價格: NT500/Per Person 每人


地點:台北市 (Will send out information about location soon.)
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