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如意寶珠埋放申請表(Global Cintamani Gridwork Project Volunteer Survey)


Global Cintamani Gridwork Project Volunteer Survey

Cintamani Gridwork/ Cintamani Flower of Life Pattern Gridwork Guideline 



Range of Cintamani Energy Vortex
1 gram of Cintamani Stone can create an energy vortex 5 kilometers wide in diameter. 2 grams of Cintamani Stone can penetrate the Veil. The energy of Cintamani Stone can be maximized by tachyonization. Also, tachyonized Cintamani Stone  can reverse entropy:


※Shovel / Screwdriver / Camping nail / Hammer / Electric drill/ other kinds of digging tools
※ A smartphone or tablet with access to Google Map  (You will need Google Map or other GPS devices which can pinpoint the coordinates of your burial site.) 
※ A Tutanota Email account. (Use encrypted email ONLY for communications for all gridwork missions)


Cintamani Gridwork Guidelines
※The depth of burial should be deeper than 30 CM or at least deep enough not to be disturbed.
※Cintamani Stones must be buried into soil. Please make sure the burial site will not be ploughed or dug for a long period of time.  Do NOT bury Cintamani Stones into farms, construction sites or places that might be disturbed. Do NOT throw Cintamani Stones into flowing water or bury them into plant trays (Bonsai). 
※If Freewill / Tibetian Crystals or Morganites had been buried near your gridwork area, please make sure you bury Cintamani Stones at least 100 meters away from buried Tibetian Crystals or Morganites.   
※Please mark the coordinates of your exact burial sites with Google Map or a GPS device. Please report those coordinates to International Golden Age Group with Facebook or your contact: (Please double-check those coordinates.)


Cintamani Flower of Life Pattern Gridwork Guideline
※The depth of burial should be deeper than 30 CM or at least deep enough not to be disturbed.
※ Cintamani Stones must be buried into soil. Please make sure the burial site will not be ploughed or dug for a long period of time.  
※  Do NOT bury Cintamani Stones into farms, construction sites or places that might be disturbed. Do NOT throw Cintamani Stones into flowing water or bury them into plant trays (Bonsai). 
※ If Freewill / Tibetian Crystals or Morganites had been buried near your gridwork area, please make sure you bury Cintamani Stones at least 100 meters away from buried Tibetian Crystals or Morganites.   
※ Please bury Cintamani Stones according to the exact coordinates of Flower of Life map. Range tolerance is 50-300 meters. (Tolerance varies due to map arrangement, but advice from mission ground crew members will be the first consideration. . 
※ If ground crew members cannot bury Cintamani stones within the range of suggested tolerance (50-300 meters) or  come across troubles on their burial sites, they should contact map drafter immediately. Ground crew members shall NEVER decide the burial site on their own, as an incomplete pattern will compromise the effectiveness of Flower of Life.  
※ Please mark the coordinates of your exact burial sites with Google Map or a GPS device. Please report those coordinates to International Golden Age Group with Facebook or your contact: (Please double-check those coordinates.)



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