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2019 EWC Site Event_LinKo

2019 EWC S


Do you want to improve your friendship with your colleagues?
Do you want to experience a lively and welcoming dinner?
Just right now! Joining the EWC Linko Site Event!
參加EWC Linko Site Event就對了!

• EWC LK Site Event 限林口辦公室員工為主,若您因出差在其他工作區支援者,欲參加當地活動請洽當地福委。
This event is only for EWC members located in Linkou.
If you support at other office and want to join other site’s site even, please contact EWC site rep. first. 
(LK - Amber Chen;  HC - Diane Lin/ Joanna Hsu;  TC - Ashely Yeh;  TN - Miranda Kuo)
• 每梯次名額有限,額滿截止
Limited reservation for each slot.
Please kindly collect your dinner coupon from your EWC rep. one day before the date you join 
•此活動開放6梯次 , 沒有任何因公補償.
 Please note that this activity has 6 slots and no any duty compensation


地點:Number 1 Section 1, 文化三路林口區新北市台灣 244 (林口喜來登)
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