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July Arhatic Yoga + Crystal Healing



Master Co is coming to Taiwan to teach following classes in Early July.  
  1. Arhatic Yoga preparatory Level 6/7 ~ 6/8
  2. Pranic Crystal Healing 6/6
Arhatic Yoga is one of the important Pranic Healing spiritual classes. It is a simple, synthetic, systematical and yet very powerful method for daily people to lean spiritual practice. Spiritual Practices are knowledge and techniques passed down generations by generation by selected few in almost every culture. They are mostly known as mythical and difficult to understand.

Master Choa Kok Sui spent more than 30 years research to synthesis various skills used by different spiritual schools and arranged them in a proper composition and sequences, so practitioners are able to accelerate the progress spiritually. Also safety is part of the system to help practitioners pass many potential problem on spiritual path.

Pranic Crystal Healing is an advanced application of Pranic Healing. By using crystal, healing power can be increased and the healing time can be shorter and faster. By understand the property of various crystals, we may use their proper color to either cleansing or energizing our energy body as well as the living spaces and many other aspects. We also learn how to consecrate and program crystal for particular purpose to help our daily life.

Please refer to Blog (http://mcksph.blogspot.com) for details. The fee structure is:

Pranic Crystal Healing Class
pay before 6/26:NT$15,480

pay before 7/5 :NT$15,980
Pay on 7/6:NT$16,480

Arhatic Yoga Preparation Class
pay before 6/26 :NT$28,200

Pay before 7/6:NT28,700
Pay on 7/7 :NT$29,200

Fee for review Students (review students need to provide certificate pictures)
Pranic Crystal Healing Class 

Pay Before 6/25:NT$3,980

Pay after 6/26:NT$4,480

Arhatic Yoga Preparation Class

Pay Before 6/25:NT$8,960

Pay after 6/26:NT$9,460

To register please fill this form and we will contact you through email for wiring instructions and others information.



地點:台北市羅斯福路4段85號 (集思台大會議中心B1)
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