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<福委會>社團體驗活動心得分享(第二波)~社團玩很大、親自來體驗] 活動~




人:福委會龔淑娟#5537(Shu Chuan Gong)

   要:社團體驗分享活動開始,己報名參加[社團玩很大、親自來體驗] 同仁,現在來分享你的心得


1. 分享日期 : 即日起~11/23(12:00)截止

2. 活動規則 : 報名參加社團體驗同仁,請上網完成




3. : 只要完成分享,可領取社團禮驗禮一份(Nike運動襪2-每人限領一組)11月底公告。




展示日期 : 107/10/19~11/30

展示地點 : HQ/活力館、S1/B1餐廳


 Subject: ShareYour Thoughts on the “Come Experience the Variety of Clubs at WNC” Seminars;Seminars; Photos of Club Seminars will beExhibitedPhotos of Club

PIC: Shu ChuanGong #5537, Employee Welfare Committee 

We encourage allemployees who participated in the seminars held by WNC clubs to share theirthoughts! Click on the following link to submit your comments: https://www.beclass.com/rid=223f0095bb1f8d56504b


  1. Employees mayclick the link above and share their thoughts from now until noon, November 23rd.

  2. Employees whoparticipate in club sessions can post their thoughts on the experience (maximumof 20 words) and upload a photo of themselves with the club president whileholding a sign with the activity slogan (Come Experience the Variety of Clubsat WNC) on it. There is no limit to the number of submissions that eachemployee can post. Employees who complete the aforementioned tasks will receivetwo pairs of Nike sports socks (maximum of two pairs for each employee). A listof employees who are eligible for prizes will be announced at the end ofNovember.


Taking up hobbiesoutside of work can relieve stress and improve your energy level. Employees mayenjoy many different types of club activities here at WNC. From October 19,2018 to November 30, 2018, we will set up an exhibition at the HQ RecreationCenter and the HQ/S1 canteens, showcasing the history of WNC clubs and the photostaken at club seminars.

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