BeClass 線上報名系統

2020全球菁英領袖營2020 Chinese Summer Camp at Lih-Jen, Taipei(報名截止)
※ English name 英文姓名
※ email 電子郵件
Chinese name 中文姓名
※ Birthday 生日
※ Passport Number 護照號碼
※ Gender 性別

※ Current Grade 現在就讀年級
※ Home Address 通訊地址
※ Parents’ Names 家長姓名-F 父
Contact No. in Taipei 在台聯絡電話
Parents’ Names 家長姓名_F 父
※ Parents’ Names 家長姓名-M 母
Contact No. in Taipei 在台聯絡電話
Parents’ Names 家長姓名_M 母
※ Name姓名
Local Emergency Contact Person 在台緊急聯絡人
※ Relationship關係
Local Emergency Contact Person 在台緊急聯絡人
※ Phone聯絡電話
Local Emergency Contact Person 在台緊急聯絡人
※ Chinese Learning Background 中文學習情況
※ Dietary restrictions 特殊飲食習慣
※ Special Note
(Does your child have any allergies, dietary restrictions, or medical conditions that we should know about?)特殊照護:(你的孩子有任何過敏,特殊飲食要求或藥物需要?)
Please choose one activity from each category .
(Activity cannot be changed once confirmed )
(活動一經確認,不予轉換)(只限國小/Elementary Only)
※ 社團活動選擇Afternoon Activities-藝文Arts
(總量 30)
(總量 20)
(總量 30)
(總量 30)
(總量 30)
(總量 30)
※ 社團活動選擇Afternoon Activities-運動Sports
(總量 30)
(總量 30)
(總量 30)
(總量 20)
(總量 20)
(總量 30)
※ Course課程
Apply before March 31 to get 3,000NT off! 3月31日前成功報名享有台幣3000折扣!!
(總量 60)
(總量 60)
(總量 60)
(總量 60)
(總量 60)
(總量 60)
特別說明 Additional Information
1. 請詳填報名資料,以利保險辦理。
Please fill out the application form as detailed as possible to set up your child’s insurance policy.
2. 凡於3月31日報名成功的學員,可獲台幣3000的折扣優惠,以繳交學費日為準。
To those who apply and are admitted before March 31, 2020 will get a discount of 3,000NT.
1. 為適應不可抗拒之因素( 如天候變化等),在不影響學生活動品質與權益範圍內,為維護課程學習效益,主辦單位將保留行程更動調整權利。
Lih-Jen retains the right to adjust the program due to unforeseen circumstances, such as bad weather. The quality of student activities will not be affected.
2. 若因天候及其他不可抗力因素有改期、取消或變動場地、變動班級梯次之必要,主辦單位將於第一時間公告通知。
If the weather or other factors require the program to be postponed, canceled, or change locations, Lih-Jen will notify relevant parties as soon as possible.
3. 所有學員在活動期間有故意不遵守紀律或妨礙他人正常進行活動者,主辦單位有權取消學員參加資格並通知家長提早帶回,且剩餘課程費用恕不退還。
All students are required to obey campus rules. Should any student continuously disobey instructions or affect others’ learning, Lih-Jen reserves the right to cancel the students’ learning privileges without refund.
4. 活動期間,為考量所有學員權益與安全、團體活動之一致性及課程順利進行,除非有緊急狀況或主辦單位主動聯絡外,謝絕家長在未經告知的狀況下臨時參觀甚至加入活動。
To ensure campus security, parents are not allowed to observe activities on campus or visit without prior notice unless in the case of an emergency.
5. 建議參加活動之學員無須攜帶貴重物品,如電動玩具、手機等3C 產品及過多零用錢等,若發生遺失、毀損、借用糾紛等情事,主辦單位概不負責。
We recommend that students leave their valuable items at home, such as computer games, cellphones, and large amounts of pocket money. We are not responsible for the loss of these items.
6. 本營隊包含各項戶外活動,若有不適合參與活動之疾痛或身體不適之疾病、症狀,請勿勉強報名。若仍報名,其責任由報名本人及監護人自行分擔,並請於報名表中確實填寫告知,以便隨時注意學員情況,若因故有需要終止或暫停活動,剩餘課程費用恕不退還。
Lih-Jen’s Chinese Summer Camp offers a variety of outdoor activities. If you child has any conditions that prevent him/her from participating, please list them out in detail, or refrain from attending that activity. Responsibility will be borne by the child’s guardian. If the student is unable to complete the activity upon attending, the activity fee will not be refunded.
7. 活動期間所拍攝之活動影音、照片,均為主辦單位無償使用;學員於活動期間所完成的短文、作品圖片等創作,若無提出特殊聲明,亦視同同意主辦單位於網路、平面文宣等媒體公開使用。
Lih-Jen reserves the right to utilize and publicize students’ work (including essays, drawings, and projects) without prior notice.
取消與退費辦法 Refund policy:
1. 學員於營隊開始前30天申請退費,就已繳之團費扣除行政費用後,退還餘額100%費用。
100% refund if the request is made before June 1, 2020. Administration fee will be charged.
2. 學員於各營隊開始前20天申請退費,就已繳之團費扣除行政費用後,退還餘額70%費用。
70% refund if the request is made before June 14, 2020. Administration fee will be charged.
3. 學員於各營隊開始前10天申請退費,就已繳之團費扣除行政費用後,退還餘額50%費用。
50% refund if the request is made before June 20.2020. Administration fee will be charged
No refunds will be provided after June 21, 2020
5.如因天災、地震、洪水、瘟疫…等不可抗力因素,導致營隊自始或中途結束,恕不退還任何已繳之團費。No refunds will be provided if the camp is cancelled due to natural disasters or illnesses.
No refunds will be provided if participant is unable to finish the program due to sickness or injury.
※ .
本人已閱畢並且同意上述之注意事項 I have read and agree to the terms and conditions that are listed above.

