BeClass 線上報名系統

2020國家地理路跑-世界地球日50週年-自主健康調查表 (2020-08-18)(報名截止)
※ 選手姓名/Name
※ 身分證字號/ID
※ 生日
※ 行動電話/phone number
※ 1.過去14天是否發燒、咳嗽或呼吸急促症狀?
Did you have a fever, cough or shortness of breath in the past 14 days? (發燒定義為耳溫≧38℃或額溫≧37.5℃,或有其他急性呼吸道感染症狀)

※ 2.過去14天是否有出國史?
Has there been any time of going abroad in the past 14 days?

What is your country of going abroad in the past 14 days?
This question can be skipped if there is no going abroad.
※ 3.您是否為慢性病及孕婦等高危險族群?
Are you a high-risk group such as chronic diseases and pregnant women?

※ 活動當天若經醫護人員測量體溫後若有發燒或咳嗽等症狀,本人願意放棄路跑參賽資格並接受不予退費。
On the day of the event, if the medical staff measures the body temperature and has symptoms such as fever or cough, I am willing to give up the qualification for running and accept no refund.

