BeClass 線上報名系統

閉關意願問卷/【Retreat Survey】 (2019-06-18)(報名截止)
※ 姓名/Name
行動電話/Mobil phone
※ 年紀/Age
※ 國籍/Nationality
※ 性別/Gender

英文姓名/English name
※ 能參加閉關日數是(可複選)How many days can you do the retreat:
【歡迎各地有緣者來閉關,但因閉關地點在台灣,故請先確認您能取得的來台簽證日數後,才瑱寫此問卷。】How many days can you do the retreat? (Multiple choice).non-Taiwan citizens are suggested to confirm the length of stay in Taiwan on their visas before filling the questionnaire below.

Which teachings or practices will you intend to do for the retreat?
※ 我有意願參加悉達多本願會安排的閉關課程
Do you want to join the retreat program that Siddhartha’s Intent arranges?



此次問卷調查已截止,感謝您的熱心協助,敬祝您福慧日增。/The survey is closed. Thanks for your help. May your merits and wisdom be increased.