BeClass 線上報名系統

2019 International students′ luggage storage application 暑假業勤外籍生與離島偏遠本國生離宿日與行李數量調查及放置申請 (2019-09-30)(報名截止)
※ 姓名
※ 性別
※ 電話phone
※ 學號(Student ID)
※ Line ID
無Line可留WeChat ID 或 facebook需備註
※ 107-2學年中原宿舍別
Dormitory in 107-2 academic year

※ 108-1學年宿舍別
Dormitory in 108-1 academic year

※ 離宿時需寄放行李的日期move out date
The date you move out and need to stay your luggage your luggage
※ 暑假後回業勤拿行李的日期
The date you can come to take back your luggage
※ 您來自哪裡

※ 行李
先預估行李打包後件數,如已確定為公告行李房之108學年室友則略估,Predict your luggage q′ty
 件數  總量:1000
Memos: Other requirements you want
※ 已瞭解個資相關條款,同意本單位僅作宿舍安排用
Understanding the confidentialities protection rules, agree that all your information only for dormitory arrangements.

※ 已瞭解個資相關規定,本單位僅提供界放行李,不負保管責任,寒假期間行李房內的衣櫃與門皆不上鎖
Understanding the related rules, agree that dormitory only give the space to put your luggage. No protection or lock for your luggage.

