BeClass 線上報名系統

霧台的魯凱部落課Learn Under-forest Economy and Experience Labuwan culture (A Daytrip to Wutai) (2018-05-11)(報名截止)
※ Full name 姓名
※ EMAIL 信箱
※ Name in Chinese 中文姓名
※ Gender 性別

※ 國籍 Nationality
※ Place of birth 出生地
※ Mailing address 郵寄地址
※ Telephone 行動電話
※ Date of birth 生日
※ Your ARC number 居留證號碼
※ Passport No.護照號碼/身分證字號
※ Your Chinese language proficiency 語言程度

※ Your major or program 科系
example: Agribusiness Management
※ Your degree and grade
example: Bachelor/Master/PHD,First year
※ A statement about ecotourism in your country
Please write a statement stating your knowledge about community forestry in your country
※ A statement about Agroforestry in your country
Please write a statement stating your knowledge about Agroforestry or Under-forest Economy in your country
※ Eating habits 飲食習慣


Sorry, we don′t accept any application now. It′s already fully booked. Thanks for your attention.