BeClass 線上報名系統

2018啓碁科技家庭日WNC Family Day (2018-05-26)(報名截止)

※ 工號 / Employee ID:
※ 姓名 / Name:
※ E-mail:
攜眷人數 / Number of Participants:
不包含本人,超過可攜眷人數,亦可現場購票入場。If you’re bringing more than three family members, the exceeding people can buy ticket on spot.
是否搭乘接駁車 / Whether to take a shuttle bus:
產線外籍同仁、建教生僅限本人搭車,不開放眷屬搭乘。The shuttle bus is only available for the foreign colleagues of the production lines and special cooperation program students, but not their families or friends.
接駁車上下車地點 / Shuttle bus meeting place to get on:
產線外籍同仁、建教生僅限本人搭車,不開放眷屬搭乘。宿舍搭車限產線外籍同仁及建教生。The shuttle bus is only available for the foreign colleagues of the production lines and special cooperation program students, but not their families or friends.


5/10(四) 18:00 活動報名截止