BeClass 線上報名系統

Booking Form for The Ascension Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016 / 2016 台北揚升會議報名表(報名截止)
※ Last Name (真實姓氏)
※ First Name (真實名字)
※ Telephone Number ( 連絡電話 ) 
※ Email Address ( 電郵 ) 
※ Facebook name & FB website (臉書名字 & 臉書網址)
Ex.(例如): Clarisse Ira Weng , https://www.facebook.com/clarisse.weng This is for easy and instant communication. 方便簡單且快速通訊使用
If no FB, fill in “No”/如果沒有臉書,前填“無”
※ Payment Details (付款方式 ) *除非特殊原因,不接受現場繳費*

※ 請填寫匯款日期及帳號後 5 碼 ,以方便核對。***如果沒有使用銀行帳號,請填原因! 
Please Give Us the Date for Transaction & Last Five No. of Your Bank Account for our Verification. If You don、t Use Bank Account, Please Fill in Your Reason
※ Which Course You Want to Attend ( 想要參加的日期 ) ? 
※ 您於課程結束後會參加揚升大師之光或星系之光或Isis女神能量的點化課程嗎 ?
Do You Want to Get the Initiation for Rays of Ascended Masters or Rays of Stars or Isis(Goddess) Energy After Courses?
※ 包含一階及二階,您要點化多少種揚升大師之光或星系之光? 
How Many Initiations for Rays of Ascended Masters or Rays of Stars do you want to get, including Level I and Level II? (3 initiations for Rays of Ascended Masters or Rays of Stars is upmost, but Initiation for Isis(Goddess) Energy is not included。
This Is Option, Need Extra Cost/ 此為額外點化課程,需另外付費
※ 您想要參加Isis女神能量的點化嗎? *此為額外點化課程,需另外付費 
Do You Want to Get the Initiation for Isis(Goddess) Energy/ * This Is Option, Need Extra Cost
※ Are you a foreign participant? 您是台灣地區以外的參加者嗎?
Are you a foreign participant?
※ Where are you from? only for foreign participants 
您來自哪裡? (限台灣地區以外的參加者填寫,本地台灣人請填“0”)
※ Do you want to attend one-day’s or two-day’s tour 
您想參加一日或二日遊嗎?(限定國外的朋友 Only for foreigner)
※ Your date for 1.check-in / 2.check-out  
※ 您是國際黃金時代團隊的成員嗎 ?  
Are you "International Golden Age Group(Global Chinese PFC Team)” member?
Any Other Relevant Information ( 其他任何相關的資訊 ) 

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Sorry! The booking form is close.
You can directly go to the conference venue to do registration. Please use following mail or phone to get the information of conference venue.
Mail: goldenage777777@gmail.com; MP: +886-980-303-440
電郵: goldenage777777@gmail.com 行動電話: +886-980-303-440